Holy Sweet Decadence! Here is my recipe for Vanilla Butter cake!!!

My clients entertain a lot, and occasionally they would take requests from guests. One guest shared with me a food memory of this amazing cake he had in Boston. “It’s fluffy, but rich, and it’s like biting into vanilla clouds”. Sounds like a Soufflé a bit, but I was assured that it isn’t served in a Ramekin, and “looks like a Chocolate Lava cake.. without the Chocolate”. Needless to say, I was intrigued. Challenge accepted!!!

Scoured restaurant menus in Boston for something of the sort. I did find what was called a ‘butter cake’. Researching more about it- there were several variations. I tinkered with ones that weren’t dense. After several trials, I tweaked the recipe some more and got it to where it fit the bill. So, I finally presented my forensic culinary creation, and there was a moment of silence… oh oh … Then the guest began to nod. He began to grin. He began to swoon.. He began to do the Gangnam and a cowboy Lasso thing.. ok, so he LOVED it. Now, the word spread on how epic this simple dish is, so I get to make this often, and each time I tweak a bit more. The recipe below is my current version. Give it a try!!


Makes 6:


• 2 ½ Cups softened unsalted butter

• ½ Cup Sugar in the raw(* Turbinado*)

• 1 ½ Cups organic Granulated Sugar

• 3 Eggs, separated

• 1 ½ Cup, room temperature whole Milk

• 1 Cup shaved white Chocolate

• 2 Tablespoon Vanilla extract

• 2 Cups All-Purpose Flour

• 2 Tablespoon Baking Powder


1). Pre-heat oven at 400F. Take six Ramekins, or aluminum muffin tins, and brush the insides with at least 1/2 cup or so of soft butter. Then, sprinkle in the Sugar in the raw, so that it sticks on. Make sure to get a even coating, then repeat with the rest. Set aside.

2). With a paddle attachment, beat the remainder butter and granulated sugar on high speed until the sugar is emulsified into the butter.

3). Add the EGG YOLKS , one by one, and mix at medium speed until fully incorporated. Add in the rest of the ingredients EXCEPT the EGG WHITES, and mix until fully incorporated and smooth. Do not over mix.

4). In a separate bowl, whip the egg whites until stiff peaks. Gradually fold into the butter -Egg yolk mix with a whisk. Try your best to not beat the air out of the egg whites, when mixing in.

5). Now that the Appareil is ready, spoon into each buttered and sugar coated Ramekin/Muffin tins. Only pour 3/4 of the way, to leave room for the rise, while baking.

6). Bake in the oven for 20 minutes. Set timer at 10 minute intervals, and rotate, to ensure even cooking. When they rise, but still jiggly, they’re ready! But.. if you prefer them to be more set, then cook for 5 minutes longer. Take out of oven, on a wire rack to cool for 3 minutes or so- because they would be like eating Lava!

7). Serve as-is, or with dusting of powdered sugar, more white chocolate shavings, as well as ice cream of your choice and some Berry sauce. Enjoy!!!

Completed dish. Yum!!!
When they first come out of the oven. It looks under cooked but once the edges begin to pull away and Caramelize, they’re ready


Published by chefakihiro

Food and the the creative process of it for me is a labor of love, connection, healing, inspiration, escapade, science, nourishing, and most of all= full of joy! I have been fortunate enough to have found my calling as a Chef, and have been able to make a living out of doing what I truly love. In the 24 years I’ve presided over the stoves, I got to experience quite an adventure and had the honor of cooking with many amazing masters. My focus now is to share my passion for cooking to the world through my recipes, my food thoughts, and photos of food centered adventures. I would love for us to inspire one another and create memorable, delicious, healthy, sustainable meals with minimal effort and maximum flavors! So, come on-! Hop on this Culinary journey with me!!

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