Mind Blowingly Delicious Cinnamon-Coffee Streusel Pain Perdu!!!

You ever buy too much bread, in preparation for foul weather? Or to prepare stuffing for the Holidays, only to have leftover loaves? Sure, French toast is tasty,.. But ever try the French counterpart= Pain Perdu? This will change your life!! It translates to “Lost Bread”, in French-that’s going to be wasted, but repurposed inContinue reading “Mind Blowingly Delicious Cinnamon-Coffee Streusel Pain Perdu!!!”

Take your Potatoes to the Next Level! This, is Pomme Paolo!!!!

Ever had the urge to eat a Potato Gratin, Potato Chips, French Fries, and Pomme Anna at the same time? (* Here I go on my food fantasies*) -Also, for them to all be Vegan, GF, nut free and low FODMAP? Well, search no more- This, is my Pomme Paolo!! The examples given to describeContinue reading “Take your Potatoes to the Next Level! This, is Pomme Paolo!!!!”