Making Gnocchi Parisienne, with Choux pastry! Like pillows of delight!!!

One of the things we learn early on to do in culinary school is the Choux pastry, or pâte à choux. It’s a paste made of a egg, flour, Milk and butter. These are more known for Cream puffs and Eclairs, but did you know that they turn into airy, luscious Gnocchi?? It is spooned or piped into simmering salted water , and once they float-They’re good to go! It’s even better when browned with brown butter!

These Gnocchis are very simple to make and can be altered, with addition of herbs, spices, etc. They’re fantastic with Parsley, brown butter, capers- Or with Ratatouille and Arugula, Peas, and Ham.. or (*My Favorite*) brown them with Scallops!!! Possibilities are endless!!!

Here’s the recipe below;


• 1 1/2 cups Milk

• 6oz Unsalted butter

• 3 tablespoon salt

• 2 cups all-purpose flour, sifted

• 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard

• 1 tablespoon chopped chives

• 1 tablespoon chopped parsley

• 1 tablespoon chopped tarragon

• 1 cup Grated Parmesan cheese

• 1 cup Grated Swiss cheese

• 6 large eggs


1). In a medium saucepot, place Milk, butter, 1 Tbsp Salt and bring to a simmer over medium heat. Reduce the heat and add the flour and stir rapidly with a wooden spoon until the dough pulls away from the sides of the pan and the bottom of the pan is clean, with no dough sticking.

2). Continue to stir for about 5 minutes, then turn off heat. A thin coating will form on the bottom and sides of the pan. Continue to beat by hand until nice and smooth… Or alternatively, use the kitchenaid with the paddle attachment.

3). Add the mustard, herbs, and the 1 tablespoon salt. Mix the ingredients and release some of the heat.

4). Gradually drop one egg at a time, and emulsify into the dough. Then repeat with rest of the eggs. Incorporate the cheeses after.

5). Place the dough in a large pastry bag and let it rest for about 30 minutes at room temperature. Fill a large stock pot full of water and add remainder of the salt into the water. Tie a butcher twine tightly on one side of the handle and tie to the other end. Bring water to a simmer.

6). Pipe a piece of the Choux pastry onto the butcher twine(* about the size of an olive*). Then repeat down the line of the twine . You will seethe sticky paste fall on their own. Once the gnocchi float to the top, poach them for another minute, then remove them with a skimmer to a bowl with ice water and a colander. Drain the Gnocchis, and Place them on a sheet pan with paper towel on it. Repeat with the remaining dough.

7). Now these are good to go! Cook them as you would with potato gnocchis. Brown them, cook them in a cream sauce, etc. They’re good fried too! Check out the photos below of a few dishes I have made with them. They’re all delicious!, Have fun!!!!

Gnocchi Parisienne, with Roasted Vegetable ragout, and Truffle Creme
Dough coming together..
Herbs, mustard and salt added..
With the Eggs added.
Piping out the dough, and poaching
Cooked, chilled, pat dry and good to go!!
Browned in the pan.. Smells sooooo good!!
Mixed in with roasted vegetables
Which is Scallops and which are the Gnocchis??

Published by chefakihiro

Food and the the creative process of it for me is a labor of love, connection, healing, inspiration, escapade, science, nourishing, and most of all= full of joy! I have been fortunate enough to have found my calling as a Chef, and have been able to make a living out of doing what I truly love. In the 24 years I’ve presided over the stoves, I got to experience quite an adventure and had the honor of cooking with many amazing masters. My focus now is to share my passion for cooking to the world through my recipes, my food thoughts, and photos of food centered adventures. I would love for us to inspire one another and create memorable, delicious, healthy, sustainable meals with minimal effort and maximum flavors! So, come on-! Hop on this Culinary journey with me!!

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